Sunday, August 26, 2012

Learning to Write in Different Voices

I just finished a post for my blog, My Big Redneck Husband.

So now that I'm writing a blog for Indie Writer, I am having a bit of a difficult time reverting back to my "normal" voice.

When I write for My Big Redneck Husband, I write in my "redneck" voice, the dialect of my childhood that I still tend to revert to in my everyday life when my emotions are raw.  Since my redneck voice comes almost naturally for me, it is the one I have a hard time shaking when I'm ready to write in a different voice. 

Living away from the mountains so many years changed my voice.  So now when I write for y'all... er... I mean, you all... I write in my normal voice, the one I learned to use while living in the city, away from the rednecks and the mountain folk.  It is now the way I speak every day.

I love dialect and accents and pick them up easily.  I find it is an advantage for me when I need to "flavor" my work with a certain voice.  In the course of my writing I have learned to use many voices.

I have a "professional" voice that I use when I write medical teaching materials for work.

I have a "medieval" voice that is so prevalent when I am writing historical fiction, it sometimes comes out in my everyday dialogue.  (People tend to look at you a little bit funny when you tell them "'tis a lovely day," or ask, "Prithee, might I borrow a cup of sugar?")

I have developed a number of voices to flavor other work... like a very ancient voice, along with some made up words loosely based on etymology, to go with my short story about Adam and Eve, and a different way of putting words together for a futuristic romance that I have in the works.

You do have to be careful not to use too much dialect.  Like too much salt, you can ruin the whole story if your flavoring becomes anything but subtle.  However, a few words sprinkled here and there, along with a unique voice for each of your characters, goes a long way toward giving your readers the experience they are searching for.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I Apologize...

I'd like to apologize.  I've not been working very much on the Indie Writer Website as of late because I've realized I have to focus on my Bible Treasure Hunt Website if I am to have it up and running before the holidays arrive.  Even though Bible Treasure Hunt doesn't contain very much content as far as writing is concerned, I feel like it has good potential as an income stream.

The good news is that is #1 in the Google Search Rankings using the keywords "bible treasure hunt!"

Furthermore, is #1 in the Google Search Rankings for the keywords "indie writer" and is on the first page using the keywords "indie author!"

My other new website, is also on the first page of the Google Search Rankings using the keywords "big redneck," but I would like to be #1 using the lone keyword, "redneck."  Still working on that one, but as I said earlier, been working too hard on Bible Treasure Hunt to be of much use to anything else.

Hopefully Bible Treasure Hunt will be complete soon and I can get back to Indie Writer.  I have other ideas brewing, as well.  I think there's GREAT potential for making a living online through multiple website income streams.

Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Finding Time to Write

When do you find time to write?

Between a full-time job and keeping a house, it is difficult for me to carve out time to put words on paper.

I create all day long in my head, but much of it is lost due to lack of time:(

So for the past month or so, I have been getting out of bed at 5:30am to give myself an hour and a half every morning to write.

If I don't carve out a special time to write, it will never get done.  All my creativity and ideas will just flow in and out of my head as if they never existed.  I can't let that happen.  Something inside of me INSISTS that I write.

5:30 am isn't so bad when you think of it like that.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Hello All!

My name is Katherine and I am an Indie Writer, a self-published/freelance author, dreaming and working toward making a full-time living doing what I love...writing!

I am the owner of, though I have only just started working to get the site in order.  (If you are a visitor to the site, please excuse the mess until my construction is complete.)

So far, I feel I have been fairly successful in the self-publishing arena.  I have written eight books which I have listed as e-books on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble PubIt, Lulu, and Smashwords.  From these eight books, I receive between $1,200.00 and $1,500.00 a month.  I also make around $80 a month from print-on-demand books listed on Amazon's CreateSpace.

I feel there is so much more potential in the Indie Writer arena, not only from e-books, but from websites, blogs, paid articles, and much more.  With a little imagination, I hope to be able to retire on residual income stemming from my freelance writing.

Through this blog I hope to share a little bit of my successes and failures and everything in between.  I also hope to hear from you, dear readers, so that we may learn from each other and further our dreams of living to write.

Until next time... I wish you happiness and success.

Blessings & Joy!